Wednesday, October 19, 2005


THIS MEETING IS CANCELLED-HURLEY -- The town Planning Board will have a public session Oct. 26 to determine the scope of an environmental review for the proposed 652-unit Hidden Forest development. The session will take place at 7 p.m. at the St. Joseph’s Mission, Zandhoek Road. The planned residential development is proposed for a site between U.S. Route 209 and Lucas Avenue.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hidden Forest Development News

On October 3, 2005, the Hurley Planning board met with Ms Gerri Tortorella representing Hidden Forest Development. Ms. Tortorella confirmed that an escrow account for $50,000.00 is in place. This will cover the cost of hiring whatever experts the town might require for the development of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Hidden Forest has sent their finalized statement regarding the acceptance of the planning board as lead agency and the establishment of the escrow fund to Mr. Darwak, the town's lawyer. The board confirmed that they have received a Positive Declaration (POSDEC) from Hidden Forest developers of their intent to file a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) process begins with the publishing of the POSDEC in the Environmental Notice Bulletin. A public scoping session will be held. While the State requires that certain environmental aspects must be considered in the DEIS the public can require additional aspects to be examined. It was suggested that the meeting be held at St. Joe's since a large crowd is expected. A secretary should be available to record all suggestions. The following dates were proposed: October 20, 26 or 27 and November 2. The actual date depending on the availability of St. Joe's. Ms.Tortorella was also given Joan Paccione's name so that the Conservation Advisory Committee can be included in the information loop. For citizens who would like to know more about the SEQR process and timelines can go to the DEC SEQR website at or click on the link on right hand column on this blog. Submitted by Maeve Maurer, member of the Hurley Conservation Advisory Council.