Monday, June 04, 2007


On Friday, May 18, 2007, Maeve Maurer, Doris Licht and Lou Kozma attended the daylong Rondout Creek Watershed Council Training Day as representatives of the Hurley C.A.C. Council. The training was held at UCCC with more than 40 people from various towns in Ulster County attending and 7 presenters. During the morning session we heard an introduction and information on watershed awareness by Manna Jo Greene of the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, followed by an overview of Watershed Protection Plans by Scott Cuppett of the NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation Hudson River Estuary Program (HREP). The morning also held a fun activity of tracing our watershed and identifying stream order on a map (the Marbletown people were using our area map so we used a different one). We were all treated to pizza by the D.E.P. as the cafeteria was closed The afternoon session introduced watershed protection and planning, importance of stream monitoring and more. The day ended with an open roundtable discussion among all participants and presenters. There were many handouts distributed as well as a cd-rom containing PowerPoint slides of the day’s presentation.

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